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Reading and Writing in Alternative Populations

The Education University of Hong Kong
16-17 June 2023

Registration is closed

​Registration: Presenting (Abstract Submission) â€‹

Open: September, 2021

Close: April 30, 2023


Registration: Non-Presenting​

Open: September, 2021

Close: June 9, 2023


Option 1: Registration through this website

  1. Sign up by clicking the 'Log In/Register' button on the right hand corner.

  2. For the question 'Will you be submitting an abstract?', choose 'no' in the drop box.


Option 2: Registration through email

  1. Send an email indicating your attendance to

  2. Please include [Non-Presenting] in your email subject line.

  3. Please also include the following information: 

  • Title (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr./Prof.)​

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Institution/Affiliation



Registration is free-of-charge. No entrance fee will be charged for any of the sessions.

However, participants are responsible for their own expenses such as visa, travel and accommodation and subsistence costs. 









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